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Robert Gardner

Co founder and CEO of Rebalance Earth


With 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and investor with a strong sustainability background in pensions and wealth management, I've committed my career to making money a force for good. I previously served on the Executive Board of St. James's Place, managing £150 billion in investments. I co-founded Redington and Mallowstreet, two B-Corps in the investment and pensions space and RedSTART, a financial education charity. Our Brand Purpose - To rebalance Earth 

Our Insight - Nature is our most valuable asset 

Our Distinctive Beliefs 

• Redirecting the flow of private capital.

• Investing in nature.

• Making money and making a world worth living in. 

Our Brand Narrative 

• Capital and nature are cast as opposing forces. Demand – infinite. Nature – finite.

Leaving planet Earth out of balance. 

• But this doesn’t have to be the case. 

• We redirect the flow of capital.

• To invest in our most valuable asset – nature. In its regeneration.

In the transition to a nature-based economy. For a world worth living in. 

• We can restore Nature, Without compromising on returns. It’s time to rebalance Earth. 


Our Audience

• Asset Owners e.g. DC pensions, Local Authority Pensions, Insurance, 

• Their underlying members – member engagement of 18 to 40 age groups is key

• Corporates e.g. Utilities, Food & Beverage, Transportation, Banks, Insurance

• Landowners e.g. Farmers, Councils, eNGOs etc 

• Academics, eNGOs etc.

• Government & Regulators e.g. BOE, DEFRA, EA, FCA etc.

Robert Gardner

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