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Workplace Culture Equals Success? Planful’s CEO Explains
Interview Highlights

Workplace culture is a key factor in business success, but figuring out how to create and maintain it can be challenging.

Can you tell us where company culture comes from and how you start building it? How do you balance the time spent on culture with finding new customers? And what is the real value of a strong company culture?

Today, we have Grant Halloran, CEO of Planful, a leader in financial performance management software, to share his thoughts on why company culture matters, how to strengthen it, and how leaders can measure its value. Let’s get started.

Grant on the Importance of Company Culture

Grant thinks that among all the factors contributing to a company's success, culture stands out as the most crucial. He believes a strong company culture helps sustain performance through the highs and lows of running an organization.

Grant opines that we're living in a dynamic world where unpredictability is the norm—whether it be geopolitical issues, supply chain disruptions, or new competitors.


The Evolution of Planful’s Culture

When asked about the development of company culture at Planful, Grant opines that culture naturally evolves, especially as new people join an organization. When Grant took over as CEO in 2019, the culture at Planful began to change significantly. He believes that bringing in new management and employees leads to an evolution in culture because it is fundamentally shaped by the beliefs and behaviors of the people within the company.

Actions and Behaviors That Reinforce Culture

Grant believes that leaders set the tone for company culture, so they must be conscious of their actions and behaviors. At Planful, it began with Grant's vision of a culture that was intellectually honest, free from negative politics, fast-paced in decision-making, and intensely focused on winning. Grant opines that culture should also be where people feel comfortable being themselves**, provided they align with the company's core beliefs and values.

Creating "The Planful Way"

The significant cultural transformation at Planful was formalized in what they call "The Planful Way."

He stresses that a formal approach to culture requires clear communication and shared understanding. Every new employee receives a copy of Planful's culture book, which details the company’s five core values and provides examples of behaviors that exemplify those values.

Identifying Core Values

When establishing Planful’s core values, Grant chose an effective method that involved gathering 15-20 leaders and analyzing specific high-performing employees.

They identified people who were consistently high performers and well-loved within the company. Grant thinks it’s essential to understand what makes these individuals so effective and enjoyable to work with.

 The leaders then discussed these top performers' behaviors, forming the basis for Planful's core values. One example is being an "environment shaper," meaning someone who takes initiative and makes positive changes rather than just complaining about the status quo. Grant opines that by observing these behaviors, companies can develop a narrative around the culture they wish to foster.


Leading and Living the Culture

Grant believes that living the culture means being intentional about reinforcing it every day.

At Planful, the weekly Executive Leadership Team (ELT) meetings start with each executive sharing a story about an employee who exemplified the company's values. This demonstrates to the executive team the importance of recognizing and celebrating cultural alignment.

Planful also has systems for recognizing cultural alignment, like shout-outs via Slack, quarterly and annual awards, and the President's Club, which celebrates outstanding contributions from across the company. Grant opines that by integrating cultural values into recognition and reward systems, companies can reinforce the behaviors they wish to promote.


Accountability and Performance

Grant also talks about how Planful uses behavioral interview techniques to ensure potential hires align with their cultural values.

The behaviors and values that employees exhibit are a significant part of how they are evaluated and rewarded. Grant believes that by emphasizing culture, companies can achieve the best metrics and results, serving their stakeholders effectively.



Grant Halloran's insights emphasize that company culture is not a peripheral aspect of business but a core component that drives success. By being intentional, starting at the top, and integrating culture into everyday practices, organizations can build a culture that sustains performance through challenges and opportunities alike. Grant believes that in the ever-changing business landscape, a strong culture is the key to consistent and long-term success.

Official Transcript

Workplace culture - everyone acknowledges its significance, but how do you build it, sustain it, and harness it to boost your bottom line?

Where does culture originate, and how do you begin to foster it? How much time should you invest in cultivating culture versus acquiring new customers? And ultimately, what is the true value of a strong company culture?

Joining us to unravel these questions is the CEO of Planful, a pioneering force in financial performance management cloud software based in San Francisco. Today, Halloran shares his experience on the importance of company culture, best practices for reinforcing it, and how leaders can effectively assess its value.

Grant, many of us know company culture is important, but why is it important to you?

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